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School Uniform

School uniform is an important part of our identity at Kirkhill Primary School.

School Dress Code

West Lothian Council has a Dress Code Policy promoting that children should wear school uniform.  As a school, we encourage the wearing of uniform, and would value support from parents in order that we achieve the highest respect within our community.  Football colours are prohibited by West Lothian Council and we would, again, call on your support to uphold this. 

The Council will not be responsible for loss of or damage to pupils' clothing and personal belongings including mobile phones.  Valuable items, including jewellery and unnecessarily expensive articles of clothing, should not be brought to school. 

For health and safety reasons, we do not promote the wearing of inappropriate jewellery or make-up.  Jewellery must not be worn during P.E. lessons. 

Uniform is not required to be worn in nursery however there is the option to purchase nursery uniform.

School Uniform:

  • Grey, Navy or Black trousers/skirt
  • White shirt/polo shirt
  • School Tie (Blue and Green)
  • Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan (P1-6)
  • Black sweatshirt or cardigan (P7 only)

Nursery Uniform:

  • White polo shirt
  • Emerald green sweatshirt

P.E. Kit

  • Indoor: t-shirt, shorts, indoor shoes/trainers
  • Outdoor: t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoodie, joggers/tracksuit bottoms, outdoor trainers

Where to purchase School Uniform

Ties, polo-shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans are available from school as well as t-shirts and school hoodies.  All apart from the tie are embroidered with the School Badge and Kirkhill Primary School.  School hoodies are available for children to purchase for wearing as a jacket or on school excursions - these are not allowed to be worn in the classroom during the school day.   All uniform can be ordered at: Image Scotland - Kirkhill Primary School (opens new window) and will be delivered directly to your home address.

Whilst on clothing, we would ask you to ensure that any garments likely to be removed in school bear your child's name.   This is particularly important with sweatshirts, hoodies, cardigans, coats, anoraks, gym shoes and Wellington boots.

Help with purchasing School Uniform

School Clothing Grants are available to parents in receipt of a qualifying benefit; application forms are available from the school or online. You can find further details of the School Clothing Grant application procedure on the West Lothian Council website

At this time we are unable to accept second hand uniform due to current restrictions.

Dress Down Days

Dress down days happen on the last Friday of each month and are noted in the annual calendar.



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