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P3 Learning activities

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you are all staying well and looking forward to another learning day? It was really exciting to hvae some photos sent by Poppie and Callum of the boats they made. Callum even sent a great photo of the musical instrument he madeĀ  yesterday. I was very impressed. Keep up the great work P3 and feel free to send me photos via the school website or chat to me by commenting on the Blog. It really makes my day when I hear from you.

I have included a writing task today. It is revision of a recount so should not be difficult. I don’t want your writing skills to be forgotten so give it a go and see what you can create.

early-years-grid-14 P3-Wednesday 23rd April

Can you also all haveĀ  a think as to what 3 things you would most like to see in school next year

Please speak it over with and adult and decide then vote by Thursday 23rd April to let us know.

The choices are 1) More Computers

2) New Paintings in the playground

3) Lunch time clubs

4) More Playground Equipment

5) Bigger Chairs

6) P.E kits

7) New signs for the school

8) Homework packs for children to take home

Choose which 3 you most want and ask someone to help you comment so I know what you would like and your vote will count. Mrs Clayton kindly posted the vote information to the blog for the whole infant department to read if anyone needs more information about it- Take a look and comment on the post called: All P1-P3 classes. Thank you

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