Primary 1 - Tuesday 28th April
Good morning P1,
I hope everyone is well! I’ve attached today’s learning grid below! It’s PE day today so why not try one of the Cosmic Kids Yoga videos on Youtube! I have been doing some yoga at home and its been great fun!
I am really enjoying seeing work being uploaded to the learning journals – I’m missing everyone lots! If you are unable to get onto the learning journals please let me know and I can find out how to get access for you!
Some of you have let me know that your jotters are filling up fast! I have asked for some more little yellow jotters to be left at the main entrance of the school. Please take one if and when you need one, there will also be some more writing pencils if you need any as well! I will be in school for lunches on Wednesday so if you are coming to collect a lunch it would be great to say hello and see how you are getting on!
If there is anything else you need to help you with your home learning, just comment on here or email via the school office and I will do my best to help! No question is a silly question as we say in class!
Have a great day,
Miss Duncan