P3 Learning Activities
Good morning, I hope everyone is safe and well? I hope you are all enjoying the learning activities?
Literacy- Fry’s Words & Grammar
As we have now learned the first 100 Fry’s words, I have uploaded the next 100 Fry’s words. You should just look at the first 10 today.
I have added in a Grammar challenge on Sum Dog to help with some reading and writing skills. Please log on and try it out.
Health and Well being
The weather is not so good today so I have tried to help you reach your 60 min goal for fitness by adding a link to Cosmic Kids Yoga and Joe Wicks the Body Coach. Give them a try and see.
Maths Topic- Time
I realised that the link for the first video had not appeared so I have added in yesterday’s video and a couple of clips for today.
Numeracy Topic-Subtraction
Log on to Sum Dog to practise your subtraction strategies.
Grid 18-P3-Thursday 30th-April
Have a great day.
Mrs McDonnell