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P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning,

I hope you enjoyed the learning activities from yesterday. I have added in an art challenge for you all to try. I hope you find it fun and relaxing. I’d love to see your designs so please send me them via the school email and I can post to our P3 page on the Blog.

We are continuing to learn about the human body. I have put up a video about the heart and circulatory system. There is a PDF attached and you can choose which activities you complete. I would really like it if you attempted all of them but if you don’t have the materials or find it tricky then that is ok. Just as long as you have a go. Ask an adult to read out the instructions for you.

Sum dog- I have posted a grammar challenge and a subtraction challenge  on Sum Dog. If you do not have your username and password please get in touch as I can send them to you via the school email.

Literacy- Please try hard to learn your Fry’s words. We are on the 2nd hundred so making great progress at revising these. They will help you develop your reading, spelling and writing skills for moving forward into P4.  Please keep reading your assigned group text and feel free to read any of your own books in the house. You can never read too much. I love to read. It is so relaxing and can be better than watching a film sometimes. Today for a treat I have put up the link to Stories online, which I know you all love. There are some new books so give them a listen and you can also watch and listen to your favourites.

It is a holiday weekend- we are off on Monday and you are off on Tuesday as it is an in service for school staff. So I will post new work for you on Wednesday. Stay safe and well, keep up the hard work.


Grid 19-P3 Friday 1st May


Mrs McDonnell


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