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Primary 1 - Monday 11th May

Good morning P1,

I hope you have had a great weekend! I had a very busy and sleepless weekend caring for little Kala! He is loving his new home but is still a wee bit scared of sleeping at night (parents: I am having a small insight into the world of parenting haha!).

He and I would love to see more of your work this week so please keep posting on your leanring journal and commenting on this blog, even a little hello would be great!

For this weeks learning, we are going to have a go at doing  a STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) challenge every day if possible! Don’t worry if you want to take a few days to complete one challenge! I would like you to try your best! I am lookiong forward to seeing what you create!

I have allocated your weekly reading books – I would love to know how you are getting on with your reading, I am really missing hearing everyone read! Also, I would like everyone to complete the Sumdog Check-up! It contains 20 questions which are on topics we have covered since being at home and during school time! Please try you best, I just want to know how everyone is getting on

Enough from me just now, happy learning!

Miss D

day 1

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