P3 Learning Activities
Good morning everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday? Unfortunately it is a very rainy day and not looking so nice, however the weather forecasts predicts that it should clear by Thursday and we are to have more sunshine. Why not take a look at the local weather on t.v today or ask an adult to help you look it up using your tablet, phone or device. You can have a look at the long range weather forecast or the short range weather forecast. Why not make a rain gauge and record how much rain water has fallen? Let me know what you think and how you get on?
Today we will continue with our reading skills development using our Fry’s words and reading books on Oxford Owl. Remember that if you have books, comics, magazines or newspapers to read in the house, these are also fab to help support and develop your reading skills further.
Numeracy and Maths- We are continuing to look at Time and Fractions this week, next week we will move onto dividing. I know a lot of you were keen to start this new topic.
Please keep practising telling the time using both analogue and digital displays. The more practise you have, the better you will get at it. I have left the link so you can choose which worksheets you want to try, to practise your understanding. If you can, challenge yourself by trying a harder worksheet. There are different worksheets to suit where you are. Take time to work through them and ask an adult to help if you get stuck, or ask to see a real clock as that will help.
Sumdog can be used for practise of your general skills so give it a try f you would like to practise a variety of your skills.
Topic- I have asked you to read a book on Oxford Owls, Level 6. It is very interesting and tells you how things were discovered by accident in the past and the effect they have on our lives today. I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about history and how the past can shape the future.
Today’s Challenge is about being active so I hope the weather clears up and lets you get out for a walk at some point. I know some people like to walk in the rain and splash in puddles so you might like to go outside and try that too, but ask an adult first.
Have a great day. I love to hear from you so please send me your photos via the school email, that way, we can keep in touch with each other.
Kind Regards
Mrs McDonnell