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Primary 1 - Monday 25th May

Good morning P1,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! Below is today’s learning grid! I hope you guys have been working hard on your posters that are due on Friday – have been very impressed with what I have see/heard about so far. Any questions please comment below. There are two more questions to help you structure your poster and then you will have Wednesday and Thursday to finish it off before sending me a picture and or video on Friday!

It was great to talk to most of you guys last week, miss hearing about what everyone has been up to – although I have heard the tooth fairy may be visiting some people’s homes soon! If you would like another check-in call, if you could email me through the school email and I will call you back to help with any questions you may have!

Also, today’s numeracy work is focused on odd and even numbers! I had a great time looking through the photos from our numicon investigation we did on odd and even numbers so I have added in some photos in the Pdf! Have fun!

Thank you for all your hard work,

Miss D

day 1 (4)


P.s. Here is my new favourite picture of Kala! We are taking him to get his first jags today so hopefully we will be able to take him a little walk soon!


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