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P3 Learning Activities

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to your weekend ahead.

Here are our learning activities for today-

Learning-Grid-29th-May-2020 (1)

I hope you enjoy our art activity today. If you can, please send a picture to the school email and it would be great to  see your posters from yesterday.

I hope you are managing with sharing and dividing so far? Mrs Clayton has very kindly created some videos for us to use to help explain Division. She is using them with her class too and has set some work for them so just ignore those bits as we have our own work and instructions. She has done a great job and I hope you find the videos helpful.

Remember to complete your Sum dog challenges as I can see how well you are getting on.

Have a great weekend, stay safe.

Mrs McDonnell

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