P3 Learning Activities
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and had a good day yesterday. Remember to always wear a hat and sun cream when its hot outside. This will protect you from getting burnt and having too much sun which can make you feel ill.
Today we continue with our spelling patterns and Fry’s words (for some of you). New reading is set daily for your group so please do your best to complete this. I have suggested that for today’s P.E task you may wish to complete it out in the garden, you might also want to practise your spelling words outside too. You can use a squeezy bottle to spray and write with on a path or patio to practise your words or alternatively you may wish to write in chalk and try rainbow spelling? Always ask an adult first please.
I hope you enjoyed trying to make the balloon powered car, so today I have challenged you to see if you can make something else that moves. Take a look and see if you can give it a go.
Have a great day everyone and take care
Learning-Grid-2nd June-2020 (1)
Kind Regards
Mrs McDonnell