Primary 2/1 - 12.6.20
Hello Primary 2/1,
I can’t believe it is Friday again but excited for next week, are you?
Here is your learning grid for today:
p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 12.6.20
Maths work
p1 – adding 1s and 2s coins 12.6.20
P2 – adding 2p and 1p coins 12.6.20
The final letters are here and i hope you can work out your surprise. Let me know if you have worked it out.
Today’s letters are o and p.
I thought I would share today some fantastic comics that was written by children in our class.
I will be making phone calls to the people who asked for a call back last time I called next week to say hello. If you need a specific day/time can you email the school so I know before. Looking forward to speaking to you again.
I am in the Hub today.
Only two weeks until the holidays, keep going!
Miss Brown
P.s Next week it will be a slightly different format to our learning. It will be a busy but fun week and i hope you enjoy as much as Miss Duncan and i will. There will be a shared Blog between primary 1 and 2/1.