P3 Learning Activities
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and ready for more learning today?
We are going to look at changing materials again and I have included a recipe for Gloop. Gloop is a material which keeps changing and so is a really good experiment to do and explore. I hope you have fun exploring how materials can change.
I have added some a game in our numeracy box which will allow you to practise multiplication and division. I have also kept the worksheets on area so that you can try another one today. If you tried mild, then try spicy today or if you already went with hot, try the mild one etc.
Learning-Grid-18th June-2020-1
Have fun and have a great day. Thank you to everyone who has still been sending me photos. I received a special letter yesterday which really made me smile, thank you very much Hubert, your letter was much appreciated.
Take care,
Mrs McDonnell