P3 Learning Activities
Good morning P3,
I hope you are all well and looking forward to Friday’s learning?
Please log on to Sumdog as they are launching a massive school competition. I have posted a link on our numeracy grid which will give you all the information you need to take part. It would be great to see Kirkhill take a spot at the top of the leader board. The competition will run all next week as well but best register today.
I have included another type of art and some artists to explore. Today we are learning about Pointillism. It is a very interesting style of art and you may have seen some of the art before, but never thought about it being created entirely by dots. I hope you have fun with this today and I would love to see your creations.
I have posted Carla’s sandwich again for you to listen to as I know you all loved the story. It might also be fun to ask your family to try to make their own unique sandwich, just like Carla and have an indoor picnic for lunch, as the weather isn’t great today.
Have fun, I hope you enjoy your learning and have a great weekend.
Learning-Grid-19th June-2020-1
Take care
Mrs McDonnell