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Primary 2/1 - 22.6.20 - 26.6.20

Good Morning Primary 2/1,

I hope you have all had a fabulous weekend after our exciting week to the zoo last week. This is our last week before the summer holidays.

This week is a little different, you will not have a daily post.  But the grid below is separated into daily activities for you to complete over the week but please stay in touch with all your learning.

KPS Health_Week_Grid_P1_-_P3 (1)

Here is your story.  Miss Brown trying to talk in Scots, it might make you laugh – Gruffalo in Scots.

A reminder, Miss Duncan posted about the Sumdog competition.  We need 5 players from each class, can we get 5 from our class as we don’t have 5 yet and we do want the school to win.  It doesn’t need to played everyday just an hour over the week the competition is on.  I hope you have/will sign up and join in the fun to support Kirkhill in the West Lothian competition.

Instructions again: Sumdog instructions 1

I wanted to write a little message to every one of you to say how proud i am of you!!  You have all been working hard through this unusual time.  I know this has not been easy for anyone and your hard work and attitude to your learning has been fabulous.  You have grown in leaps and bounds over the year and i am very pleased to be part of it.  Keep this up in your next year of school.

I will be for lunches on Wednesday again so be nice to see faces.  Reports will be collected this week on the day/time that has been sent to you.  When you come to collect your reports there will be a little gift from me to say thank you for being a fabulous class and for working hard all year.  I am very sad our year of p1 and p2 is coming to an end and i wasn’t able to see you and teach you in our classroom for the full year.

I also need to apologise for not getting round to calling the children who wanted a call back last week.  I will be phoning Monday and Tuesday this week, if this is not convenient can you email the office please and let me know.  Thanks.

Please keep in contact with photos and comments on the blog during the week as i would love to hear from you even if it is just a hello.

Stay well and safe.

Miss Brown

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