Primary 1 - Friday 26th June
Good morning P1,
Wow, we are on the last day of a very exciting, hard working and crazy first year of school! I cannot tell you how proud you have all made me this year especially with how you guys adapted to a new way of learning over the last 3 months!
We have had a fabby year with lots of super learning! I wish all of you the best of luck going into big P2, I know you all will do me proud!
I hope you all have a great summer and I can’t wait to see your little smiling faces when we return in August!
Thank you again for all your hard work and for making a fantastic start to your schooling,
Miss Duncan
P.s. Kala says hello and good luck too!! Also I can’t stop singing’ jacket, bags, water bottle, trays. Everything in your bag today’ this morning haha!