P3 Learning Activities
Good Morning everyone.
I hope you all had a lovely break, are all well and looking forward to some new learning activities and challenges?
As you know Murrin and I areĀ massive Star Wars fans and we spent Sunday celebrating our favourite films by watching them in chronological order. That means to start at the very first film episode 1 and watch them all one after the other. We watched 1 then 2 then season 7 of the Clone wars and are now re-watching Star Wars Rebels on Disney. Good Fun.
I didn’t want you all to miss out so I have put in some Star Wars themed activities for you today. If you watched any of the films or celebrated another way let me know. Maybe you like reading the books? If you have never watched Star wars, then try a film or The Clone Wars cartoons. You might love them as much as I do.
Have a great day and I would love to hear from you all via the blog or email photos of today’s challenge.