P3 Learning Activities
Good Morning,
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the learning activities this week?
Today I thought it would be good to revisit the Owl Trust to take a look at how our class adopted Owl Delyth is getting on. I have also added in a French song for you to learn which includes an owl and today’s construction challenge provides the opportunity to continue with our conservation work. Try your best with it but if you do not have any materials, then I still encourage you to participate by designing the challenge and draw it.
If you have not started the challenge on Sumdog, then please do so today and attempt some subtraction games to help you with your strategies before we move on to fractions next week.
We will continue to learn about time and this is a great topic to learn at home using any analogue clock face or digital display. Please keep practising with this over the weekend.
Have a great weekend
Kind Regards
Mrs McDonnell