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P3/2 - Tuesday 12th May

Good morning P3/2,

I hope you are all having a good morning so far and are ready for a great day.

Below is today’s grid.  I was very impressed with the people who sent me their division work yesterday.  What a great start people have made already!  We are carrying on with division in numeracy today and in grammar we are going to continue our work on synonyms, those words which mean almost the same thing.  I have given you an art activity based on the portrait work we were doing before we finished in class.  It looks as if the updates are now finished on the learning journals site so hopefully it is even easier to add photographs of what you have been doing and I would love to see some updates from you all.

Tuesday 12th May

I know lots of you have been enjoying Mr Mcs phonic videos.  He hasn’t done the ‘igh’ sound yet but here is a link to the ‘ng’ sound which we revised a few weeks ago.

Finally I will be in school for lunches today so if you are coming up to collect your lunch do make sure to say hello.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Clayton

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