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Primary 1 - Thursday 14th May

Hello P1,

I hope we are all well! Below is today’s learning grid! I hope you have fun when completing the tasks, I know Kala and I did haha! I can’t wait to see some pictures of your ‘sharing hands’, I would love to make a big collage of them all, if everyone manages to complete! Please upload your finished poster (or work in your jotter) on you learning blog! I can’t wait!

Well done to all that have managed to complete the sumdog spelling and numeracy/maths check-up, I have been really impressed with how you guys are getting on

Here are some pictures and video clips from today at one of the hub schools! Miss Brown and I and some other teachers took part in a socially distanced silent disco, it was great fun, we had a great wee boogie!

Here’s to another great day of learning,

Miss D and Kala

day 4

P.s. This is Kala doing his home learning prep yesterday haha!

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