P3 Learning Activities
Good morning everyone,
It is another beautiful day as we head into our weekend.
We have finished our second 100 Fry’s words and are on to the 3rd Hundred. Well done and keep up the great work. Keep learning these tricky words as the more you can read, recognise and write them, then the better your literacy skills will develop.
Reading- I have asked you all to go on stories online to choose a story for today. Tigers- you can watch and listen to a story and then if you can continue reading Jungle Shorts please.
I have continued with Magic Grandad as I thought it might be good to take a look at toys from the past. Watch the video and then if you can interview your mum, dad, grans, grandpa or an older relative and ask them about their toys. What were they called? What were they made of? What did they look like and what did they do?
Stay safe when interviewing by calling people who don’t live with you on the phone or by messaging or maybe you can Face Time or use Zoom?
I have changed our Daily Challenge to be about Toys. I hope you enjoy it.
Numeracy and Maths- We are continuing with our Fractions and Multiplication Challenge on Sumdog. If you have not completed it, please do it today.
We are also continuing to learn about Time and I have left the song on about 24 hour clock so you can take another look.
Have a great weekend and stay safe. Remember Monday is a holiday so I will post work for you again on Tuesday.
Miss you all
Mrs McDonnell