P3 Learning Activities
Good morning everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend in the sunshine. It looks like another good day, so please remember sun cream if you are out in the garden.
Today we continue with reading and I have added in some spelling words today, as most of the class should now have finished learning all 300 Fry’s words, well done.
If you have not completed learning all 300 of our Fry’s words then please continue to learn 10/20 words daily until you have can read, recognise and spell most of them.
Crocodiles, we have gone back over the First 100 and are now on to the 2nd Hundred Fry’s words. Keep going , you are doing a great job with them.
Reading has been set daily through Oxford Owls. please check for your group.
We are continuing with division and I have posted Mrs Clayton’s 2nd video for you to look at and use to support your learning. Remember the questions on this are for her class. I have posted additional work for you to practise and you should try the daily 10, which is a great way for you to keep practising different numeracy skills. Ask an adult to set the questions for you once you click the link at the top of our numeracy box.
I hope you enjoy today’s challenge, you can make your vehicle as fancy or as plain as you like. I would love to see some photos and I can share these on the Blog.
Learning-Grid-1st June-2020 (1)
Have a great day
Mrs McDonnell