Primary 1 - Monday 8th June
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to get stuck into some learning! Below is today’s learning grid, I hope you enjoy! I would like to see more of the work you guys are completing so please continue to upload to your learing journal! I love seeing and hearing about how you are all getting on in your learning!
Next week Miss Brown and I have a surprise planned for you for the whole week! I thought it would be fun to give you a little extra challenge every day this week to see if you can guess what your surpise is. Every day this week I will give you 1 or 2 letters on each blog post! On Friday you will have all the letters that spell out two words – this will be what your surprise is next week! You will have to rearrange the letters to spell the mystery words. Today’s letters are: O and I
I will not be in school on Wednesday as I am in Hub school this week but if anyone still has their poster to still hand in please just give it to one of the ladies at lunches, upload to the leanring journals or email to school office! Thank you!
Miss D