Primary 2 - 10th June
Good morning Primary 2,
I hope you are all fit and well this morning.
Here is the learning grid for today: 10_6_20 grid.
We are recapping telling the time today, so there are lots of activities to help you. There are also some worksheets – you can choose your challenge today: mild, spicy, hot or extra hot! You can also do more than one sheet, so you could challenge yourself to learn something new!
Mild: time – o’clock – mild Spicy: time – o’clock half past – spicy
Hot: time – quarter past – hot Extra Hot: time – quarter past and to – extra hot
I hope you enjoy the other activities on the grid too. I’d love to see some photos of you making and using a puppet theatre. Remember you can email them or add them to your Learning Journals.
Hope you have a great day.
Mrs Macpherson