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P1 and P2/1- Monday 15th June

Hello P1 and P2/1,

We hope everyone had a lovely weekend! As some of you might have figured out, we are going to be planning a virtual ‘Zoo Trip’ this week. We were very sad to have missed our school trip in March to the Fiver Sisters Zoo so we thought it would be great to try and do something just as fun online!

This week we will be planning our virtual trip to Edinburgh Zoo together! Everyday there will be a variety of tasks to complete on the run up to the busy trip day on Friday! We will upload a grid every morning outlining the tasks.

On Thursday we will upload the schedule for the virtual trip which is set out as an itinerary for the day. (Obviously keeping to the exact times on the schedule as Miss Duncan and Miss Brown would haha!) Then on Friday, we will upload tasks to do at the time outlined on the schedule as if we were on the trip for real! We expect you all to be singing on the bus journey there and back (adults too) as the teachers will be joining in!

We would love to be kept updated throughout the week of all the completed activities to make the virtual zoo trip extra special! Please add photos onto your learning journals or email via the school office email! We can’t wait to see how everyone gets on.

We are very excited for this super fun week of activties leading up to our special virtual trip,

Miss Duncan and Miss Brown

Monday’s Grid

admission ticket template

(Only 4 sleeps to go!!!!)

P.s. Have a listen to this Youtube video, P1 should already know this song but we would like everyone to have a listen and see if you guys can join in

A big happy birthday to Lee in Miss Brown’s class, have a great day!!



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