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P3/2 - Monday 15th June

Good morning P3/2,

Welcome to another new week.  We only have two weeks left of school before the summer holidays.

This week is going to be a little different.  All week I am going to ask you to work on a special project all about bees.  This might seem like quite a strange topic but as you will find out this week bees are really important to us.  This topic will link back to all the work we did on looking after the planet and food chains as well.  It is up to you how you choose to present your learning.  You might make an information book or a poster.  You could write an information report and add a bit more to it each day or if you have access to a computer and know how to, you could even make a power point.  Each day the grid will have information on a new part of the topic and a suggestion for an extra activity you might want to try.  You are also very welcome to do some of your own research to add to your project.

Bee week Monday

I have given everyone a new reading book and added some more games to Active Learn and there is also Sumdog still available if you want to do some maths work.

I hope you have a busy buzzy day.

Mrs Clayton

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